When you find out you need to buy some new hearing aids, one of the first things you might think about is the costs associated with the purchase. Some hearing aids are more costly than others, and it’s not always clear to the consumer why that is or what causes such a range in pricing.

We’re going to talk today about the different matters that can impact the prices charged for different types of hearing aid. The information below should not only improve your understanding of hearing aid prices but also how to get value for your money when making a purchase.

Needs Affect Prices

Your needs dictate the prices you’re likely to pay for your hearing aids. If you find that you have quite specific needs, the chances are you’ll need to pay a little more to get what you’re looking for. That’s one of the reasons why prices can vary so much.

Someone with quite a common and mild form of hearing loss might be able to find a hearing aid that does the job for them at quite a low price. But someone with more complex and unusual case of hearing loss might need more specialized technology to address their needs.

Some Devices House More Features Than Others

It’s simply a fact that some hearing aids are more advanced and feature-rich than others. It’s important to think about the ways you might use your device and the features you might want to take advantage of. This factor will certainly have an impact on the price you pay.

If you’re looking for hearing aid devices that come with all of the latest and most up to date features, you’re probably going to pay more for that device that a basic model that comes equipped with original technology. That’s exactly the same when you buy a new phone or a new car; the more features it has, the higher the price usually is.

Consider Styles of Hearing Aids

There are several different styles you can choose when it comes to hearing aids, from larger units that sit behind the ear to discreet devices worn in the canal. When selecting a hearing aid, styles can be a factor in cost, especially depending on what kind of features you need. The most common hearing aid styles include:

• In the ear (ITE)
• In the canal (ITC)
• Invisible in canal (IIC)
• Completely in canal (CIC)
• Behind the ear (BTE)

Each style is suitable for different needs, with larger devices being ideal for more severe or profound cases of hearing loss while canal-worn hearing aids are recommended for mild-to-moderately-severe issues.

Research and Development Costs

Hearing aid research is an incredibly important part of the development process. Hearing aid technology is constantly evolving – thanks to new strides being made in the development process. Research is continually being conducted to ensure devices are changing with the times and keeping up with the patient’s needs.

The tech behind hearing aids is actually very impressive. Getting all of those features and benefits into such a small package is no easy feat. And that all happens because of the research and development money that goes into them.

Value for Money

It is certainly possible to get value for your money when it comes to buying a hearing aid. You just need to make sure that you understand the general costs, you know which features you’re looking for, have a style in mind that addresses your degree of hearing loss and then take things from there.

Once you have a basic idea of how much hearing aids cost, you might want to set yourself a budget and see what you can get for your money while staying around that ideal price.

Speak to your audiologist about your needs and choice

What’s most important is that you speak to an audiologist about your needs. They’ll have a good understanding of your hearing based on the hearing assessments they’ve carried out for you and can suggest the best choices for your preferences.

Your audiologist will be able to help you find an option that meets your needs and fits within your budgetary restraints. So, schedule a meeting with a trusted audiologist and take things from there.

As you can see, there are plenty of different reasons why hearing aid prices can vary so wildly from one device to the next. It’s important to focus on your particular needs so you can get a good idea of how to get the most from your device and ensure you get value for the money you spend.

If you want any help with your hearing aid or any problems you’re having with your hearing, you can get in touch with our team here at Quality Hearing Aid Center and we’ll help you book an appointment. The number to use is (248) 430-8791.