Did you know that around 10% of Americans deal with some form of hearing loss? This means that the chances are, you or someone you care about will experience hearing loss at some point in their lives. While these conditions are more common in older adults, cases also appear to be rising in children and young people. As a result, it’s important that we all begin taking better care of our hearing wherever possible. Thankfully, there are various ways in which you can achieve this goal. For example, you should ensure that you consult with an audiologist on a regular basis, as this is the easiest way to keep on top of your hearing. In some cases, hearing loss means that you may have to look into treatment methods such as hearing aids. However, this should not be a cause of concern, modern hearing aids are not only highly efficient, but they are also comfortable and discrete – meaning the only person who needs to know about your hearing aids is you. However, hearing aids are also a significant investment – meaning that you should treat them with great care. In some cases, this could mean taking out a hearing aid warranty.

What is a Hearing Aid Warranty?

A hearing aid warranty is described as a written guarantee from the manufacturer or insurance provider, which promises to repair or replace your hearing aid should there be an unexpected fault with the device. There is also a strict time frame in which you can use the warranty, typically dated within a year or two of the purchase – during a time when the product would be expected to perform at its best. Manufacturers will provide you with a warranty regardless of the type of hearing aid you use –whether this refers to in-the-ear (ITE), behind-the-ear (BTE) or in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids. Warranties can be incredibly useful for hearing aid users as they mean that you do not have to pay for any repairs or replacement yourself, and you do not have to sacrifice the quality of the hearing care and support you receive. In fact, making a claim is quick and easy – and will likely only take you a couple of minutes.

What Does My Hearing Aid Warranty cover?

When cared for properly, it’s estimated that the average hearing aid can last around five years. However, this figure doesn’t account for accidental damage or faults in the manufacturing process. Thankfully, this is where your hearing aid warranty can help. While cover varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, you can typically expect the following damages to be covered in your warranty:

  • Mechanical breakdown
  • Component fault
  • Faulty batteries

Alternately, theft, loss or damage by your own hand is unlikely to be covered by your warranty – meaning that you should still ensure you take proper care of your hearing aids if you want them to have a long life.

How Can I Get the Most Out of My Hearing Aid Warranty?

The easiest way to make the most out of your hearing aid warranty is by ensuring that you check the efficiency of your hearing aids on a regular basis. If you believe that you are experiencing any faults, you might want to book an appointment with your doctor or audiologist so that they can check this out for you. Typically, your audiologist will be able to liaise with the manufacturer on your behalf – putting your warranty to good use. If your hearing aid cannot be repaired, it will be replaced in a timely and efficient manner at no extra charge to yourself. As mentioned previously, your hearing aid warranty will come with a clear expiration date – and it’s important that you keep note of this. Then, as the expiration date approaches, you should arrange to meet with your audiologist for a full check-up on both your hearing and your hearing aids – giving you time to put in any necessary claims before they expire. If you surpass the expiry date – don’t worry – you can still replace your hearing aid or hearing aid parts, only this will come with a small fee.

Want To Find Out More?

Please do not hesitate to get in touch today to find out more information about warranties or hearing aids in general. At Quality Hearing Aid Center, we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have and put your worries to bed! You can reach us online or over the phone at 248-569-5985.