The sounds of fall can be a lovely change to bring in the shift of the reasons. From the crinkle of freshly fallen leaves on the ground to the tap of rain on the window. However, if you feel like you’ve been missing out on those sounds, then it might be an indication that you’re in need of the help of a hearing specialist. An audiologist is a medical professional trained in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing, ear and balance health-related issues. If you’re having any new issues with your hearing this fall, they can help. But what are the signs you should seek their help?

You Haven’t Had a Checkup in a While

If it’s been several years since you’ve last had a look at your hearing and ear health, then now is the time to remedy that. This is especially true for people who are age 60 or older, who work or spend time in environments with excessive levels of noise or who have other risk factors that can lead to hearing loss, like a family history of it. What’s more, an audiologist can provide a physical examination of the ears to go with a hearing test, which can help examine symptoms of your hearing issues, treating them early.

You’re Experiencing a Lot of Earwax Buildup

Everyone has earwax. It’s a natural and helpful part of the body, keeping bacteria and debris from getting deep into the ear. Too much, however, and it can begin to affect your hearing. Some people experience more earwax buildup in the fall and in cool weather. The safest way to remove excessive earwax buildup is with the help of an audiologist. Trying to take matters into your own hands, such as with cotton swabs, can end up pushing the wax deeper in and can harm your ears.

You Find Yourself Turning the TV Up Louder Than Before

When the TV is too quiet, anyone would have trouble hearing it. However, if you find that you keep turning it further up as you use it or other people mention how loud it is, even if it sounds at a normal volume to you, then this may be one of the first signs of hearing loss. If you notice you are turning up the volume on a higher setting then schedule an appointment with your audiologist.

You’ve Been Avoiding Social Gatherings

If you have noticed you have been avoiding social situations lately, it might be a good idea to schedule an appointment with an audiologist. Sometimes, withdrawing from social gatherings can be related to untreated hearing issues, as struggling to participate in conversations can lead to feelings of frustration and isolation. An audiologist can assess your hearing health and provide recommendations or solutions, like hearing aids, to enhance your ability to engage in social activities comfortably. Addressing your hearing concerns can empower you to regain confidence and fully enjoy social interactions, contributing to an improved quality of life and emotional well-being.

You Have Experienced Sudden Hearing Loss

Sudden hearing loss may indicate a serious underlying medical condition that requires attention from your audiologist, such as an infection, blockage or damage to the inner ear. An audiologist can conduct a thorough evaluation to diagnose the root cause and recommend appropriate treatment. Audiologists can provide timely and tailored solutions, which may include hearing aids or earwax removal, to help restore your hearing or manage the condition effectively.

Your Ears Are Ringing

A common symptom of an underlying condition that can affect many individuals, even if it is temporarily, is tinnitus. Often called a ringing in the ears, it can also sound like whirring, whooshing or buzzing noises. The most common cause is exposure to loud noises, and this type is most often temporary. However, if you’ve been experiencing recurring or non-stop tinnitus, then not only might it be a sign of hearing loss, but your audiologist can also treat it with the help of a hearing device designed to reduce its symptoms. Talk with your audiologist about treatments for your tinnitus.

Protect Your Hearing Health This Fall with the Help of Your Audiologist

Are you experiencing any signs of hearing loss, or related hearing issues? Schedule an appointment with an audiologist. Get in touch with the Quality Hearing Aid Center by calling us today at 248-569-5985. We’re glad to listen and to offer our services in diagnosing hearing loss and ensuring a higher quality of life with it.