In general, it is recommended that you visit your primary care physician at least once a year for a physical and a general check-up. A dentist recommends you get your teeth cleaned a couple of times a year, the full routine at least once a year and routine appointments every six months. And if you have to wear glasses, you would get your vision tested at least every two years. When it comes to hearing tests, how often should you get your hearing checked?

Testing vs. screening

There is actually a difference between testing and screening. And you need to understand the difference between the two to make sure that you are getting the best treatment. A screening will check your ability to hear sound in certain situations. This is to identify if there is a possible hearing loss. Usually, there is a pass or a fail for this type of exam. If you pass, it is presumed that you have little to no hearing loss and if you fail, then further in-depth testing will be required to assist levels and type of hearing loss. You should get a regular screening. Typically, this might be between one and three years.

Changes in your hearing

If there are any suspicions that your hearing has changed, you can request a hearing screening at any time. There is a possibility that your hearing issue will simply turn out to be something like an earwax build-up, an ear infection or another hearing related issue that needs to be treated. However, it is essential that you act immediately rather than put this off. In the event that your hearing screening dictates that you do have some hearing loss, a full hearing test will be completed to determine the type, cause and degree of your hearing loss.

Loud noises

Although generally any healthy adult between 18-40 who doesn’t notice any hearing loss should really have their hearing tested by an audiologist every few years, those who do work in a loud environment may have to book more often. Noise-induced hearing loss can affect people of all ages, this can be things like gunfire, explosions, noisy work environments, yard work tools or a lot of loud live music. They can cause damage suddenly or overtime. If you are regularly exposed to loud noises regardless of your age, you should make sure you have your hearing tested more often and perhaps discuss some custom made in protection.

Over 60

Age-related hearing loss, presbycusis, is very common. The hair cells in the ears become damaged over time, and that is more prevalent as we age. This affects the ability to hear high frequencies. In fact, one in three individuals experiences age-related hearing loss by the age of 65. And of course, that number increases to one of two for the age of 75. More regular hearing tests are recommended for adults at the age of 60. And this is whether they experience symptoms or not.

People with hearing loss

You might be surprised to know that even if you have been diagnosed previously with hearing loss, and you wear hearing aids, you actually need to have your hearing tested on a regular basis anyway. Your hearing does change over time, and it is vital that your hearing aid is always properly programmed and well-fitting. This will ensure that you are receiving the maximum benefit from them. Patients who have hearing loss should still have a hearing test at least once a year. How often do you need to have your hearing tested will depend on your age and circumstances. There are some essential screenings for newborns, and of course, regular testing for children throughout their childhood. However, there are very few adults that give their hearing as much thought as they really should. In fact, most won’t get their hearing checked until they have already noticed the loss, or they have a sudden change in the hearing ability. By then, the options for treatment could potentially be more limited. It is imperative to follow these simple guidelines in order to ensure that you could detect any hearing loss early. So, if you fall into any of the above categories and work with loud noises, over the age of 60, already have some hearing loss, then you need to make sure that you are scheduling regular appointments with your audiologist. Learn more about Quality Hearing Aid Center by calling 248-569-5985 today.