Do you think that you might be experiencing issues with hearing loss or another type of hearing impairment? This could include tinnitus. Tinnitus causes you to hear noises that aren’t there. This is usually due to the fact that your ears have been damaged by exposure to loud noises. However, it’s possible that there are other underlying causes too. That’s why you should always get an issue like this checked out as soon as you notice it. When you book an appointment with an audiologist, they will schedule a hearing test. This will be used to assess the extent of your hearing loss and determine what treatment options could be right or beneficial to you.

The first step

The first step of a hearing test is typically going to be a survey. The audiologist will have you fill out a questionnaire regarding your symptoms or may simply ask you and jot your answers down. You will do this using any information you have about your medical history. This includes any currently medical conditions that you may have a diagnosis for, as well as other potential symptoms. You should also note any medication that you might be taking. It’s important to delve into your family history here too. Basically, you need to highlight any information that could be a potential red flag and provide a cause for your hearing loss that isn’t necessarily related to the health of your ears.

A physical examination

The next step is a physical examination. After reviewing your documents and checking that there isn’t any sign of an underlying medical issue, the audiologist will then want to determine if there is a physical cause. There are a few physical causes that can result in hearing loss. This can include a burst eardrum, an ear infection or a buildup of earwax. When earwax becomes impacted it hardens and forms a blockage in the ear canal. One of the advantages of a physical examination is that if there is an issue like this you will be able to get the treatment you need. An audiologist will have the equipment to ensure that your ears can be cleaned out the right way. Removal is not uncomfortable at all and should immediately provide changes to your hearing. You will almost certainly be able to hear more clearly once more. If there are no signs of physical issues your audiologist will proceed with the hearing test.

The hearing test

People are often worried that a hearing test is going to be invasive, but this isn’t the case. The most that happens is that a device that vibrates will placed behind your ear. This is used to check the performance of your auditory system and the different parts that are crucial for hearing effectively. The main part of the hearing test involves you listening to different noises. These sounds are played at different pitches and frequencies. In some cases, you will also be asked to listen to speech in different environments. However, for the most part, you will be placed in a soundproof booth. You will then need to click a button when you hear a particular noise. The whole process takes about twenty minutes. After this, you will be able to discuss and view the results with your audiologist.

The results

The results of your hearing test will be presented on an audiogram. This is a graph that provides lots of different information. For instance, there are two lines on the graph. Each line represents a different ear. So, if there are substantial differences between the two lines then this shows that your hearing is asymmetrical. Ultimately, this means that the level of hearing loss is different for each ear. The audiogram will also reveal information on the level of frequencies that you have difficulty hearing. For instance, if you struggle to hear high frequencies, then you will struggle to hear the sound of children and women. It will also show the level of hearing loss in decibels. The higher this number the less you will naturally be able to hear. An audiologist will then provide you with the different options and possibilities available to you. They will ensure that you fully understand your diagnosis and provide recommendations on how to proceed. We hope this helps you understand what to expect from your hearing test. To learn more about Quality Hearing Aid Center contact our office by calling (248) 569-5985.