Your hearing is essential to your quality of life, but it can be easily lost when you ignore basic good hearing practices. We are all responsible for our hearing health and taking measures to protect our ears could ensure that our hearing stays in good condition for many years to come. So, what should you be doing to protect your ears?

Avoid Loud Volumes

It may go without saying that avoiding loud volumes is important for ear health, but many people often ignore the warnings. Young adults listen to loud music, sometimes using headphones or earphones that bring the volume closer to the ears. This is detrimental to ear health.

To help avoid ear damage, it can help to remember 60/60. Listen to music at 60% volume and never listen for longer than 60 minutes. If you’re in a loud environment, using noise canceling headphones can help.

Protection at Concerts

If you’re heading to a music venue, you can expect the volumes to be loud. However, there are some things you can do to protect your hearing. Firstly, don’t stand too close to any speakers pumping out volume. Bring hearing protection with you, so that you are listening to the music at a safe level. Walking outside for ten minutes can make a world of difference when it comes to protecting your hearing now and in future. When the concert is over, take a quiet day to allow your ears to have some rest.

Avoid Cotton Buds

Many people use cotton buds to clear their ears of wax. A buildup of wax can affect your hearing and damage your ears if left for too long. However, a small amount of wax can be beneficial.

The wax acts as a barrier between your ear and any bacteria or grime that could harm it. When you want to remove wax, stand in a hot shower and let the steam soften the wax. Then use a damp towel to remove what you can and leave the rest. A big buildup may require a visit to your audiologist for professional removal.

Dry Ears

Whether from swimming or from getting in the shower, your ears are likely to get wet. When you leave your ears wet, the moisture can create a bacteria that is harmful to your ears. It’s important to always dry your ears if they are wet.

If you feel water inside your ear and you’re not able to physically dry it, try tilting your head to the side and shaking it gently. You may need to stay in that position until you feel the water shift. If you’re a swimmer, wearing protective earplugs could stop water from getting inside your ears.

Reduce Stress Levels

Stress affects all areas of the body, including the ears. High stress levels are linked to pressure
on the nerves and increased blood pressure which puts you at more risk of ear conditions like tinnitus. Everyone carries stress with them, but high levels of risk need to be addressed.

If you think your stress levels are particularly high, there are some things you can do to reduce them. It could be as simple as taking some time off work, spending time with friends or finding a new hobby.

Get a Checkup

Checkups are important, even when you haven’t identified an issue. They can help to prevent problems arising and addressing problems before they become bigger than they should. An audiologist can examine your ear health and give you advice on how to look after your ears so you can get the best out of your hearing for as long as possible.

Getting regular checkups can also reduce the risk of other health risks, like depression, anxiety, heart disease and dementia.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have noticed changes to your hearing, it’s best to discuss it with an audiologist. You’ll be given a hearing test and you can talk through the results with an audiologist. If you do have any hearing loss, your audiologist will talk you through your treatment options. Hearing aids are often the best option for anyone with hearing loss and they come in a variety of sizes and styles. There are three main types of hearing aids styles, like behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE) and in the canal (ITC) ask your audiologist about which style would be the best for you.

At the Quality Hearing Aid Center, we’re happy to discuss your options with you and find something that gives you the best quality of life. Contact us today at 248-569-5985.