If you’re looking for a hearing aid, you may be wondering if you should buy an over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids or go to an audiologist for a prescription hearing aids. Both have pros and cons, depending on your needs and budget. This blog post will discuss the differences between hearing aids and over-the-counter hearing aids to make the best decision for yourself!

Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAP)

Personal sound amplification products are hearing aid-like devices available without a prescription. PSAPs are not tailored to the individual wearer’s hearing loss and may not provide as much amplification as hearing aids. If you’re considering purchasing a PSAP, you must consult an audiologist to discuss your options and find the device that’s right for you.

What is the Difference Between Hearing Aids and OTC Hearing Aids?

There are two main types of hearing aids: those that are available over the counter without a prescription and those that require a prescription from an audiologist. Both types of devices amplify sound, but there are essential differences between them.

Over-the-counter hearing aids are smaller and less visible than prescription hearing aids. They typically use one-size-fits all earbuds or small domes that fit inside the ear canal. However, OTC hearing aids are not tailored to the individual wearer’s hearing loss, and they may not provide as much amplification as prescription hearing aids.

Prescription hearing aids are custom fit to the wearer’s ear canals and are designed to address specific hearing impairments. They are more customized than OTC devices and provide a higher quality of sound amplification.

Understanding Hearing Aids

A hearing aid is a small electronic device you wear in or behind your ear. It makes some sounds louder so that you can hear them better. Hearing aids do not restore hearing – they only make hearing easier. Hearing aids are available in a variety of styles, including:

  • Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids: These hearing aids fit behind your ear and connect to an earpiece that sits inside your ear canal. BTE hearing aids are more significant than other types of hearing aids, but they provide more power and options for people with severe hearing loss.
  • In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids: These hearing aids fit inside the lower part of your outer ear. ITE hearing aids are custom fit to your ear’s shape and are available in a variety of colors.
  • In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids: These hearing aids fit deep inside your ear canal. ITC hearing aids are less visible than ITE hearing aids, but they will not be easier to remove and insert.
  • Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids: These hearing aids fit deep inside your ear canal and are the minor type of hearing aid available. CIC hearing aids are difficult to remove and insert, but they provide more natural sound quality.

If you’re considering purchasing a hearing aid, it’s essential to consult with an audiologist to discuss your options and find the device that’s right for you.

When Should You See an Audiologist?

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, seeing an audiologist is a good idea. They can help you determine the cause of your hearing loss and find the best treatment option. Additionally, an audiologist can provide guidance and support if you’re having trouble using a hearing aid or other hearing device. In short, an audiologist can be a valuable resource for anyone with hearing loss.

Are There Any Risks with Using a Hearing Aid?

There are a few risks with hearing aids, though they are generally minor. The most common risk is developing an ear infection, which can happen if the hearing aid isn’t cleaned correctly. Additionally, some people may experience skin irritation from wearing a hearing aid. Finally, in rare cases, hearing aids can also cause dizziness or nausea. However, these risks are typically relatively small and can be easily avoided by following proper care instructions for your hearing aid.

If you’re concerned about any of these risks, it’s best to consult with an audiologist. They will be able to help you choose the right hearing aid and provide guidance on how to care for it properly. With the proper precautions, using a hearing aid is generally a safe and effective way to improve your hearing.

If you think you might need to see an audiologist, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for managing hearing loss effectively, which is why you should give our team at Quality Hearing Aid Center a call us today at (248) 430-8791.

Tags: faqs, over-the-counter hearing aids